10 February 2011

br00tal + kevin

last night mr. phipps and i were playing with our monsters [or dogs, whatever you prefer] in the office. i was thinking that aside from phones & computers, we've never taken actual pictures of them. i thought you might want a peek, so here they are:

kevin is our almost [his birthday is february 14th] 1 year old brown/tan miniature dachshund.
br00tal is our 11-ish [his birthday is march 14th] month old grey miniature poodle.
they both have such enormous personality & are wildly different. br00tal is slightly, okay no a lot, spastic, and kevin thinks he's the boss of the universe, but he's such a love pie. he always wants to cuddle. the poodle can't stay still for more than a second.

those are our boys xo