24 January 2011

moving, unpacking, organizing

things have been so crazy for the last week. we finally got into our new house, and although it's been stressful, we are finally making progress. it's actually looking like a home. we don't have internet until wednesday, so blogs will be minimal. either way i'm getting stoked on being at our place, and all i want to do is get it all together. i'm loving our space! the house has so much character, and i cant wait for it to all take shape. last night we did some decorating in the bedroom; i'm really liking how it's coming along.
also, there are a lot of little projects we've talked about and are working on. our refrigerator looked totally beat up and had been painted, which was mismatched, so i gave it a face lift. my dad installed our washer/dryer and a mini chandelier in the kitchen. he's been SO amazing through the move. well, he always is, but especially so. i have some big ideas for the living room and i'm hoping to get some sketches going so i don't lose motivation or ideas. i'll be sharing more when i can.
here's a peek at some of the happenings:



  1. I love, love, love the wall with the chair. So creative sweet one! I can't wait to see it in person!!

  2. what a great looking couple! I love your wall decor by your chair, very "vintage hip"
